In-Depth: Facebook Data Privacy & Social Media Data Mining
In-Depth: Facebook Data Privacy & Social Media Data Mining Business,Business News,Internet Marketing What Businesses and Consumers Should Know for Their Protection (and Gain) Facebook’s ability to see your personal data has been a big deal in the news ever since Cambridge Analytica was singled out as abusing this data for coordinated political advertising. As a result of the investigation on April 4, 2018, Facebook shared a draft of their updated data policy. Some things that were addressed in the release may be news to users. Did you know that when a user clicks the LIKE button on a business Facebook page, that business can then gain access to that solutely everything. For many casual social media users, this has been concerning because most rarely have taken a look at the fine print in the privacy agreement or even their own privacy settings. Looking for ways to boost your data security? Read our article: 12 Ways to Keep Your Data & Identity Safe Online It’s...