
Showing posts from October, 2022

In-Depth: Facebook Data Privacy & Social Media Data Mining

 In-Depth: Facebook Data Privacy & Social Media Data Mining   Business,Business News,Internet Marketing What Businesses and Consumers Should Know for Their Protection (and Gain) Facebook’s ability to see your personal data has been a big deal in the news ever since Cambridge Analytica was singled out as abusing this data for coordinated political advertising. As a result of the investigation on April 4, 2018, Facebook shared a draft of their updated data policy. Some things that were addressed in the release may be news to users. Did you know that when a user clicks the LIKE button on a business Facebook page, that business can then gain access to that  solutely everything. For many casual social media users, this has been concerning because most rarely have taken a look at the fine print in the privacy agreement or even their own privacy settings. Looking for ways to boost your data security? Read our article: 12 Ways to Keep Your Data & Identity Safe Online It’s easy to see w

5 Things You Might Not Know About Our British Car Insurance In Spain

 5 Things You Might Not Know About Our British Car Insurance In Spain   Finance & Investment We’re big believers here at Ibex Insurance Services that you shouldn’t have to do without the best of British simply because you are now living in Spain – and this is certainly something that can be said of our car insurance. Here are five aspects of our British Car Insurance In Spain of which you may have been unaware until now. 1.We are a coverholder for Lloyd’s of London This is significant, and not only because Lloyd’s is the world’s leading insurance market. Lloyd’s is permitted under the EU’s ‘Freedom of Services’ directive to offer cross-border service from the UK, which enables you to have valid insurance for your UK-registered car when driving it in Spain. Furthermore,  Lloyd’s is ‘established’ in Spain through the regulatory authorities , so can provide cover for the Spanish-registered vehicles of Spain residents. 2.You may be able to transfer your no claim discount from your prev